Liability Insurance

  • Third Party Car Insurance
  • Liability Insurance
  • What is Professional Liability Insurance?

    Hollard Botswana offers Professional Liability Insurance to protect your business from any legal liability awarded to a third party for loss, damage, injury or death, deemed to be a result of negligence relating directly to your business.

    You can take out this Public Liability Insurance with one or more of the following included:

    • General Tenants Liability
    • Employer’s Liability
    • Professional Indemnity
    • Directors and Officers Liability

    General Tenants Liability

    This aims to cover financial losses that you may become liable for. These are losses that may arise from physical injury or damage to third-party property or person, caused by yourself or anyone involved in your business. This particularly applies when the incident takes place at your company’s premises or at the customer's location if work away has been specified.

    These insurance claims generally don’t include errors that may occur at the time of delivery or regarding any professional service to the customers. However, this could be included if specified upfront.

    Employer’s Liability

    This provides cover for you and your business should a related legal liability arise. These liabilities are mainly for compensation for the death, injury or illness of an employee.

    Professional Indemnity

    This provides liability insurance on any damage or expense in the breach of professional duty.

    Your professional duty is defined as the advice given, services performed and duties undertaken as part of your profession within a particular role with the company.

    Directors and Officers Liability

    Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability protects your businesses against claims made in accusation of a wrongful act committed at a professional level of a directorial position in the company.

    This cover includes any costs applicable before the final resolution of a claim, and settlements in connection with that particular claim. This excludes penalties which may have been imposed by law and any civil or criminal fines.

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