Office Contents Insurance

  • Money Insurance
  • Office Contents Insurance
  • What is Office Contents Insurance?

    Your company’s success is largely reliant on the contents of your office to keep it running smoothly. These office contents include data that can negatively impact the day-to-day operations of your business if damaged.

    It is vital to take out Office Contents Insurance to safeguard your business against equipment or data loss.

    Hollard Botswana Office Contents Insurance covers your workspace contents for unforeseen incidents including theft, malicious damage and other misfortune.

    Office Contents Insurance can include the following:

    • General office contents such as equipment and tools
    • The loss of documents in hard copy – these documents include written, printed or inscribed papers
    • Loss or damage of money – this includes the loss of cash, bank and currency notes, cheques and other forms of money, provided it’s kept in a secure space
    • Computers and digital data – Office Contents Insurance covers loss or damage of your computer, as well as the loss to your business due to damaged data or storage devices

    *Policy terms and conditions apply.

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  • Fidelity Guarantee
  • Business Interruption Insurance
  • Building and Related Risk
  • Goods in Transit Cover