Money Insurance

  • Money Insurance
  • What is Money Insurance?

    Whatever industry you may operate in, small to medium enterprises will often require transportation and control of large amounts of cash, both within and outside the company’s premises.

    Should this be a requirement of your company, Hollard’s all-encompassing Money Insurance will provide protection against physical loss of money resulting from theft.

    Hollard Botswana’s Money Insurance offers your organisation comprehensive cover against the loss of money resulting from theft by a third party, not closely associated with your business.

    What does Money Insurance provide cover for?

    • Cash
    • Bank notes
    • Currency notes
    • Cheques
    • Postal orders
    • Money orders
    • Credit card vouchers
    • Valued documents

    This Money Insurance policy includes:

    • Payout for relief of a money storage receptacle resulting from theft or attempted theft (limits apply)
    • Payout for the replacement of locks and keys, should you believe an unauthorised person has gained possession of a copy of that key type (limits apply)
    • Payout for injury to an employee that has resulted as a consequence of theft or an attempt thereof

    *Policy terms and conditions apply.

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  • Office Contents Insurance
  • Fidelity Guarantee
  • Business Interruption Insurance
  • Building and Related Risk
  • Goods in Transit Cover